Rift Create Frequently Asked Questions

Here you can find frequently asked questions and their official answers.

The Riftsoft Suite of products are all run on Microsoft Azure, and the user interface is any browser such as Chrome, Edge, Firefox, etc. Once you subscribe, the RiftSoft team will get you set up, and you can begin creating content in one day.

Rift Create is delivered as a service and is accessible via any web browser. The base software does not require any involvement from your company's IT. If you wish to use the SAP and/or SharePoint connectors, then your IT will need to be involved.

We have found a 1-hour introduction session is all that is required to train Authors in the use of Rift Create. Administrators require more training, but we provide initial setup and administrator training as part of the initial implementation.

We can provide the software on a trial basis for the purpose of evaluation.

Riftsoft is licensed per site as a service. There is no capital upfront investment required, you just pay to use it. If you decide you no longer wish to use it, then you can cancel at any time. We want to encourage our customers to get the best value out of the software, so we don't limit the number of users or documents created.

The Riftsoft output documents are PDFs created from HTML. However, if a customer decides they no longer want to use Rift Create, then the documents can be easily converted to MS-Word within the application and downloaded to the customer's system so there is no loss of their content.

Any field on a document can be used to define a hierarchy. As an example, you might have fields for Area, and Equipment. If you define those fields in the hierarchy, then your documents will be organized by the values in those fields. Even better, you can change the hierarchy at any time.

Rift Create is accessed via a browser, so it can be accessed from any device that is connected to the internet and has a browser. Due to the amount of content on the screen, it would not be practical to use on a small screen such as a phone. However, we have customers successfully using tablets.

Rift Create is very unique in its presentation of data. You decide for each document type how you want the data to look and the style of the output documents. We will guide you in best practices and assist you in getting your data presented in a logical and easy-to-use format. Even better, you can start creating content before you've fully settled on the output format, as you can re-create the documents in bulk after a template change.

Rift Create is a highly configurable application, so we have provided a search function for every field within the system so you can find any content you require. Once you find the content, you can review each document to ensure you want to change it before applying changes. We felt bulk changes have the potential to cause loss of data issues, so we have purposely not included them in the functionality.